Architectural Control Solutions


Presidor™ Wall Stations (PWS)

DMX Snapshot: Multi-Zone Controls and Streaming DMX Controls

Presidor™ Wall Stations (PWS) represent the next step in Architainment Lighting Controls. Intuitive operation is coupled with state-of-the-art capacitive touch technology permitting powerful distributed lighting controls for single or multi-room environments. Attractive 1 gang “Patent Protected” design is supported by color-matched adapter plates up to 7 gang and surface mount back boxes. Up to 70 presets on one universe of DMX512, a PWS can operate as either a DMX console or a DMX snapshot/playback device. Flexible and programmable auxiliary contact input and real-time scheduling allow for a myriad of interface possibilities with Building Management and Show Control systems. Wiring topology is fast, simple and inexpensive with standard Cat5/5e or Cat6 cabling using standard RJ-45 connectors. Daisy-chain up to 15 stations per room for multi-room environments of up to 25 rooms when used with Presidor™ Room Linker/Combiners (PRLC).

Patent Protected

  • Attractive screw-less design is ergonomic and sealed to dust.
  • 70 Presets on one universe of DMX512 channels.
  • 20 Preset version suitable for existing analog wiring applications.
  • Operates as either a DMX console or a DMX snapshot/playback device.
  • State-of-the-art high speed, low power “green” processor and ancillary circuitry with a power consumption < 1/4 Watt.
  • Dry contact input preset trigger.
  • Dual integrated light pipes allow for both automatic proximity sense and ambient light sense.
  • Embedded programming with alphanumeric preset labeling.
  • Intuitive navigation allows ease of operation.
  • Unique interactive real-time functionality including manually activated digital sliders.
  • Password-protected access for customized security.
  • Up to 15 daisy-chained stations per room/zone power and data inclusive over Cat5/5e/6 or 3-Pair cable.
  • Up to 25 rooms/zones per DMX universe with the use of Presidor™ Room Linker/Combiner (PRLC).
  • Small compact size permits installation in standard, readily available single gang electrical back boxes.
  • Available in white or black with optional color-matched adapter plates and surface mount back boxes allow for virtually unlimited retrofit possibilities.

Ordering Information

Digital Wiring Models

PWS-70P-DMX-WPWS, White, 70 Presets, DMX512 input and output, RS485 inter-station communication.
PWS-70P-DMX-BPWS, Black, 70 Presets, DMX512 input and output, RS485 inter-station communication.
PWS-70P-PORT-BPortable PWS, Black, 70 Presets. c/w 10′ control cable, single gang plate with 10 pin XLR receptacle.
PWS-70P-KIT-W • NEW for 2024Kit containing one PWS-70P-DMX-W (white) plus one 24VDC 60 Watt DIN rail mounted power supply.
PWS-70P-KIT-B • NEW for 2024Kit containing one PWS-70P-DMX-W (black) plus one 24VDC 60 Watt DIN rail mounted power supply.
PS-DIN-2424VDC DIN mounted 60 Watt kit for use with PWS controls.
PWS-70P-DMX-PBC-W • Coming Soon!PWS, White, 70 Presets, DMX512 input and output. Realtime record and playback of streaming DMX up to 4 hours.
PWS-70P-DMX-PBC-B • Coming Soon!PWS, Black, 70 Presets, DMX512 input and output. Realtime record and playback of streaming DMX up to 4 hours.
PWS-DEMO-KITPortable PWS demo kit c/w two PWS-70P stations, DMX input/output receptacles and 4′ power cable.

Presidor™ Wall Stations (PWS)

Analog Wiring Models

JSI Manufacturing specifically developed a version of Presidor™ Wall Stations that could easily retrofit into older “Heritage Buildings” with wide range of analog wiring without the need to run modern CAT5 or similar wiring to achieve a digital control station upgrade. Our unique inter-station communication — we refer to as Unipolor Bi-Direction Protocol (UBD) — allows quick retrofit wherever 3 conductors (daisy-chain) or 4 conductors (star) exist. This protocol operates on a single wire of virtually any type and allows for digital communication between the room “Main” PWS station and connected “Secondary” stations up to 12 stations per room. It is necessary to operate this model of station at a higher voltage between 24VDC & 48VDC. A Main/Master station will output up to 512 channels of DMX. Presets are limited to 20 compared with the standard 70 preset capability of the PWS-70P-DMX (previous page) in order to maintain function and noise immunity at the lower baud rate of this unique protocol. Minimum 4 wires required. Maximum distance between stations dependent on wiring type and gauge. Recommend power supply is model #PS-DIN-24, available in the PWS-KITs or stand alone.

Ordering Information

Analog Wiring Models

PWS-20P-RETRO-WPWS, White, 20 Presets, DMX512 input and output.
PWS-20P-RETRO-BPWS, Black, 20 Presets, DMX512 input and output.
PWS-20P-RETRO-KIT-W • NEW for 2024Kit containing one PWS-20P-RETRO-W (white) plus one 24VDC 60 Watt DIN rail mounted power supply.
PWS-20P-RETRO-KIT-B • NEW for 2024Kit containing one PWS-20P-RETRO-W (black) plus one 24VDC 60 Watt DIN rail mounted power supply.
PWS-20P-PORT-BPortable PWS, Black, 20 Presets, c/w 10′ control cable, single gang plate with 10 pin XLR receptacle.
PS-DIN-2424VDC DIN mounted 60 Watt kit for use with PWS controls.
External DMX Snapshot Record
Up To 70 Presets In 7 Different Colors
Universal Customization
Configure All 512 DMX Channels
Each Preset Fully Programmable
Virtual Sliders For On-board Preset Editing
Real-time Scheduling Of Up To 70 Presets
Infrared Proximity And Backlight Sensors

Presidor™ Wall Station • OUT OF THE BOX

Presidor™ Wall Station • BASIC SET UP

Presidor™ Wall Station • RECORDING A PRESET

Presidor™ Wall Station • RECORDING DMX

Watch all the above Presidor™ videos in successive order on our YouTube Channel!

Technical Documentation

Datasheet.pdf Download
Specifications Download
Manual.pdf Download
PWS-70P-DMX Wiring & Connection Detail.pdf Download
PWS-70P-DMX Installation Reference.pdf Download
PWS-20P-RETRO Wiring & Connection Detail Download
PWS-20P-RETRO Installation Reference.pdf Download
PWS-70P-DMX Single Room Wiring Topology.pdf Download
PWS-20P-RETRO Single Room Wiring Topology.pdf Download
PWS Multi-Room Zone Application Riser.pdf Download
PWS-70P-DMX Wall Station.pdf Download
PWS Complete (3D).pdf Download

NOTE: 3D PDF files are not supported by web browsers and require downloading and Adobe Acrobat for viewing. Clicking the hyperlink will force file download to your computer.

These products are energy efficient and consume less than 1 watt. Compliance with the International Energy Agency’s “One Watt Initiative”.


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