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Electro-Controls Quad RacksQD-2000 Upgrade DimmingControl System

The QD-2000 is a professional retrofit electronics package designed specifically Electro Controls (EC) Quad dimmer racks. This full-featured, state-of-the-art unit converts dual DMX inputs with protocol manager to 96 PWM and 128 DMX channels of output. Standard software includes architectural features such as DMX snapshots, scene storage, time clock, power management, auto scheduling, dimmer rack diagnostics and much more. Designed to install in minutes, this product is the proven and much talked about solution for EC Quad dimmer racks. The QD-2000 makes expensive replacement of antiquated dimming systems completely unnecessary. At a fraction of installed replacement cost and downtime, this engineered long-term solution puts state-of-the-art dimming technology at your fingertips!

The CD-3000+ Upgrade Dimming Control System makes expensive replacement of Strand CD80® dimming systems unnecessary.

The QD-2000 is a professional retrofit electronics package designed specifically Electro Controls (EC) Quad dimmer racks. This full-featured, state-of-the-art unit converts dual DMX inputs with protocol manager to 96 PWM and 128 DMX channels of output. Standard software includes architectural features such as DMX snapshots, scene storage, time clock, power management, auto scheduling, dimmer rack diagnostics and much more. Designed to install in minutes, this product is the proven and much talked about solution for EC Quad dimmer racks. The QD-2000 makes expensive replacement of antiquated dimming systems completely unnecessary. At a fraction of installed replacement cost and downtime, this engineered long-term solution puts state-of-the-art dimming technology at your fingertips!

JSI Manufacturing Inc. products are ETL listed and comply fully with UL508 and CSA22.2 No 184 electrical safety approvals. This Internationally recognized safety approval covers the entire assembly specifically for installation into an existing UL approved enclosure (OEM rack) and in no way compromises the electrical safety of the overall system. Official documents available on request.

  • Site programmable via a user-friendly, intuitive and self-prompting menu structure. No laptop computer or special software is required!
  • Powerful architectural software features include DMX snapshots, power management and over 40 more.
  • Auxiliary 128 channel DMX output for incorporation of peripheral DMX devices into the system’s architectural control.
  • Supports all JSI Manufacturing control stations.
  • Networking between multiple QD-2000’s allows for integrated control of multi-rack installations.
  • Up to 10 year product warranty available!
  • Site programmable via a user-friendly, intuitive and self-prompting menu structure. No laptop computer or special software is required!
  • Powerful architectural software features include DMX snapshots, power management and over 40 more.
  • Auxiliary 128 channel DMX output for incorporation of peripheral DMX devices into the system’s architectural control.
  • Supports all JSI Manufacturing control stations.
  • Networking between multiple QD-2000’s allows for integrated control of multi-rack installations.
  • Up to 10 year product warranty available!
QD-2000 Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
QD-2000 Power Supply and Ramp Module (PSR)
QD-2000 Field Wiring
FC-330 Replacement Firing Cards
Wireless Printer

Technical Documentation

Datasheet.pdf Download
Specifications Download
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